Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Wikis for Critical Thinking and Contextual Application"

This week, those of us in EDACE 765, are expanding our horizons and those of our “students”, to include both critical thinking and contextual applications to the wonderful world of the Wiki environment.

Based upon last week’s lesson plan entitled:

Happy, Healthy, Hunger Haunting Snacks Kids Will Love,

the design of creating healthy snacks for children will fit appropriately into the area of
contextual application:

As stated in West & West (2009) “contextual learning is based on the premise that learning and meaning emerge from the relationship between content and context” (p. 101).  It is important to understand that it is the “context (environment/problem) that gives meaning to the content” (p. 101)

The above lesson plan will fit the application needed for:
Event Plan

(Adapted from West & West, 2009)

The fact that details needed to plan the/any event (i.e. presentation of healthy snack ideas) can change frequently, building and maintaining a set of [menu/snack] ideas regarding shared documents can aid the entire team in developing the specific details needed to be productive and organized.

The Wiki designed for this project will have a Home Page, Agenda, Planning Page and Management Tips.

Home Page will need to include:

·         Title

·         Date

·         Description of event (presentation of snack ideas)

Agenda will need to include:

·         Titles: Happy, Healthy, Hunger Haunting Snacks Kids Will Love

·         Who will present snack ideas

·         Times of presentation

·         Where presentation of information will be presented

Planning Pages will need to include:

·         Tasks (exploring and designing snack recipes)

·         Budget and expense tracking (cost of food items: venue is free)

·         Marketing and promotion (what audience will be targeted)

·         Evaluation (for both students and audience)

A spread sheet, such as Excel or Google Spreadsheets (part of Google Docs) could be utilized to aid in the of tracking expenses.

Students can use other forms of technology such as Skype, conference calls, virtual classroom sites (i.e. Wimba) email, group message boards or other Wikis to share ideas and track the developmental process of the event and healthy snack designs.

Good communication among the event planners (students/caregivers) will optimize the productivity and ultimately the success of the project outcome.

The link below provides a great tutorial regarding the impact a Wiki can have on planning an event and the ease of using a Wiki.   The video discusses the importance of communicating in the “virtual commons” and provides an easy format for getting started.

The above example can aid your team in producing your event and tracking the progress each team member is making.  The Wiki, as part of the learning process, can help reduce the chance of individuals completing the same task, overlooking critical details related to the project and add clarity and dimension to the finished product.

Why, you might be asking, as a learner, is this assignment necessary? The following quote from West & West (2009), gives a wonderful explanation of contextual learning…“As students mature and advance in their learning, it becomes necessary to give them opportunities to apply and transfer their developing skills to a variety of new problems and situations” (p. 101).

Good luck and have fun!

As always, feel free to contact your instructor with thoughts, comments or concerns.


Grading Rubric

"Wiki for Critical Thinking and Contextual Application"

Child Nutrition 101

On-Line Course Fall 2012

(40 points possible)

The Wiki for Critical Thinking and Contextual Application Lesson Plan will be graded on four criteria; active use of appropriate resources, relevant nutrition information, reflective/new experiences for parent/caregiver for children 2-3 years of age and promotion of group learning.  The following rubric describes the performance standards for the criteria listed in the left column.  This rubric will be used to grade any future lesson planning/Wiki activities for Child Nutrition 101: Fall 2012.


_________Collaborative Effort: 20 points. (This score will be applied to individuals, not the overall group) All assigned students have contributed to the content and design of the Happy, Healthy, Hunger Haunting Snacks Kids Will Love Wiki for Contextual Application Lesson Plan Assignment.  Each individual learner brings a variety of strengths and contributes in areas specific to their strengths/interests regarding the project needs.  All learners share in the work, creation, proofreading and fact checking of the overall activity.


__________Wiki/Lesson Plan Content: 10 points.  Students will include a variety of resources, including resources gained inside and outside of class (relevant and reputable) used to complete information needed to meet lesson plan objectives.  Cultural diverseness is evident and sensitive to individual needs. Content is organized in a clear and logical manner.  All information is accurate and appropriate grammar is employed and display during event presentation.


__________Visual Appeal and Interactivity: 10 points.  Graphics (and audio/videos, if possible/desired) are used to enhance the message of healthy snack ideas for age group targeted (children 2-5 years of age) and target audience (parent/caregivers).  Final project should not be cluttered or hard to read/visualize/understand and able to be used by a variety of individuals within the target audience group and audience.  The end-product will demonstrate the learners have gained new information and insight regarding healthy snack ideas for target audience and able to present appropriately in a diverse group setting.  The snack ideas are “user friendly” and have a broad appeal to a variety of cultural people groups.



Kansas State University College of Education.  Department of Educational Leadership. Syllabus: EDACE 765: Adult Learners and Integrating Technology into the Curriculum. Fall 2012

West, J., & West, M. (2009).  Using Wikis for online collaboration.  San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Wikis in plain English.  Retrieved from



  1. I think an Event Plan is a great idea when it comes to creating healthy recipes because you can organize all sorts of tasting events, cook-off's, bake sales, and so much more. As West and West (2009) point out, "event plans can bring team members together to accomplish a shared objective" (p. 103). I remember taking part in baking events with my mom when I was growing up and it really did foster a great sense of community and team-building for everyone. I felt a personal responsibility to everyone else to try my hardest with those cookies we were making! I can only imagine how those bake sales would have been organized and run today with so many changes in technology. A wiki is a great tool to use to get everyone together in one area to organize everything, as you have stated.

    West, J. A., & West, M. L. (2009). Using wikis for online collaboration: The power of the read-write web. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    1. Hello, JCollins!

      Thank you for visiting my blog!
      I enjoyed reading your comments regarding your special memories that centered on, not only food, but community. Very exciting!

      Yes, it is fascinating to think about how much technology has changed since we were all in the kitchen with our mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Now if we have a questions related to measurements or ingredients we can just "Google" it, vs. spending hours debating the issue or calling friends or family to weigh in on the concern. :)

      As mentioned in King & Cox (2011), “Another way to use wikis in teach is as a collaborative tool for the subtends while working on group project or lab reports” (p. 126). How fun would it have been to create a wiki and favorite recipes with extended family growing up?! It is never too late…hum, fun idea for the holidays!
      Keep up the good work!


      King, K. & Cox, T. (2011). The professor’s guide to taming technology. Charlotte, NC. Information Age Publishing, Inc.

  2. Well done (as always), Alicia!
    I would actually like to see the results of these Wikis. With your event plan were you considering the idea of having the students sell the items as well? I read through your lesson plan again to answer this question, but I could not find a definitive answer. I believe it is implied. In any case, this wiki project is an excellent way for students to demonstrate their critical awareness of health conscious foods. It is also beneficial in helping them bridge the gap between academic situations and real-world knowledge (West and West, 2009, pg. 101). They have to create the snacks and organize an event at which they present their creations in person. Genius!

    1. Howdy, Tonya!

      Thank you for visiting my blog. Your comments are kind and humbling...

      The snacks created for the Wiki experience were not really intended to be sold, but what a great fund raising idea! The concept was actually (only) developed for this class assignment (I have not used this lesson plan in a class setting) and is meant to aid in the wellness and knowledge of clients on a government assisted food and nutrition program, within the United States.
      I found value in the statement made in King & Cox (2011) regarding the wiki, “wikis can be a powerful tool in higher education in three areas: teaching, research and administration” (p. 126). I think we can agree with the three attributes suggested, based upon our recent experience with the wiki and our current lessons. What are your thoughts?

      Again, thank you for visiting my blog and being so insightful.

      Keep up the great work!


    2. Reference for the above posting:

      King, K. & Cox, T. (2011). The professor’s guide to taming technology. Charlotte, NC. Information Age Publishing, Inc

  3. Alicia,
    Your lesson plan sounds delicious. I can see how this would be a needed lesson for many young mother or caregivers, especially those who are from lower socioeconomic situations.

    Is there a way to not only make this assignment application for the students of the course but also include some social justice aspect where the students could share their knowledge with people who need this knowledge. For example, maybe they could take a virtual tour of Harvesters and see the food that is donated there and then create healthy snacks from that. Just a thought.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Greetings, Dawn.

      Thank you for your thoughtful and creative reply!

      I found value in your idea regarding the possibility of incorporating an act of social justice into the Wiki experience. The students could easily expand the recipes to include frequently distributed food items from local food pantries within the community and present the information at the Extension Center or another type of “good neighbor” center.

      As stated in (King & Cox, 2011) Warlick (2007) presents “three major advantages to using wikis: (1) practical, as they allow for community collaboration: (2) political, as they offer freedom of participation; and (3) timely, as they can provide the most up-to-date content” (p. 126).

      The suggestion you presented would fit nicely into the overall Wiki assignment.

      Keep up the great work!


    2. Reference for the above posting:

      King, K. & Cox, T. (2011). The professor’s guide to taming technology. Charlotte, NC. Information Age Publishing, Inc
