Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wikis for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Construction; EDACE 765

This week's challenge for all of us (from or "fearless facilitator") is to create a lesson plan using the Wiki as a means for the students to construct knowledge. 
Below please find my Lesson Plan titled:
"Happy, Healthy, Hunger Haunting Snacks Children Will Love"
Lesson Plan
EDACE 765: Fall 2012
September 19, 2012
Students of Child Nutrition 101 (on-line course) need to complete the activity below (as the “parent/caregiver”), working in small groups, and using resources from a variety of sources: class materials, outside educational publications, personal experience/ideas and technology. Integrating technology into the assignment such as Wikis, websites, blogs, etc. will add to the enrichment of the experience and the overall learning objectives and provide a new learning dimension to the activity.  Please visit the following websites for information regarding Wiki or and blog development. You may also create your own Wiki or blog accounts by using the following links or and Refer to the attached rubric for grading criteria.  As always, please feel free to contact your instructor/facilitator with any questions, concerns or challenges you may have regarding this assignment. 
“Happy Snacking”
Title:  Healthy, Happy, Hunger Haunting Snacks Kids Will Love
Target Audience: Parents/caregivers of children 2-5 years of age; with a variety culture diverse people groups (in mind).
Objectives:  The parent/caregiver (student) will be able to describe and plan 3 morning and 3 afternoon/evening snacks, using variety healthy food choices, for the appropriate age/people group targeted.  (The student/learner will use the Wiki as the main “template” for conducting and completing the assignment) 
Teaching Materials Needed, Including Handouts:  Access to materials providing a variety of healthy food choices, for appropriate age/people group: including use of/access to the internet to aid in finding resources for healthy snack ideas.  Handouts may also be used as references and are not limited to the following titles:  Nutritious Snacks Children Will Like, Give Me 5 Fruits and Vegetables a Day, Hungry and Thirsty, Now!  (Provided during instructional workshop)
Advanced Preparation Needed:  Review of class materials, availability of above handouts, preparation of laptop computers for attendees for access to web resources, and information related to nutritious snacks for appropriate age group targeted.
Class Outline and Methods: To aid the parent/caregiver in the development of planning healthy snacks for children 2-5 years of age, using a variety of both printed and web materials.  Learners may research, plan, execute and distribute information through a variety of resources: designing own handouts/menus (hardcopy), posting information on the web via Wiki, blog site or Facebook.  (The students of Child Nutrition 101 are to act as the parent/caregiver to complete the assignment) This lesson plan will benefit the parent/caregiver in a variety of ways: gaining access to materials/tools that can be used to plan healthy snacks for children ages 2-5 years of age, experimentation with new web resources (Wiki, blogs, Facebook, etc.) if desired, and exploring options of integrating healthy food choices into everyday snack/meal planning activities; fitting their lifestyles and enhancing healthy eating habits of children 2-5 years of age (and possibly the entire household/people group!).
Interactive Component:  Use of web resources; Wiki, blog, etc. working together with a partner during the workshop session and the “hands-on” activity of designing nutritious snacks children will like; with their own child in mind.
Behavior Change Goal:  The parent/caregiver will be able to state at least 2 of the current snacks they giving their child (age 2-5) that may not be a healthy choice and offer new suggestions based upon information gained/researched in current workshop/lesson.
Evaluation from Parent/Caregiver:  The parent/caregiver will have the freedom to express their likes/dislikes related to the lesson/workshop, providing feedback, constructive ideas for improvement and offer information gained from above experience.
Lesson Plan Written and Approved By:  Jane Doe, RD, LD, IBCLC


EDACE 765:  Adult Learners and Integrating Technology into Curriculum, Fall 2012 Syllabus

Wiki and Blog information obtained from the following web addresses:

See following page for Grading Rubric.
Grading Rubric
Lesson Plan
Child Nutrition 101
On-Line Course Fall 2012
(30 points possible)
Lesson Plan participation will be graded on four criteria; active use of appropriate resources, relevant nutrition information, reflective/new experiences for parent/caregiver for children 2-3 years of age and promotion of group learning.  The following rubric describes the performance standards for the criteria listed in the left column.  This rubric will be used to grade any future lesson planning/Wiki activitie for Child Nutrition 101: Fall 2012.
_________Collaborative Effort: 5 points. (This score will be applied to individuals, not the overall group) All assigned students have contributed to the content and design of the Happy, Healthy, Hunger Haunting Snacks Kids Will Love Lesson Plan Assignment.  Each individual learner brings a variety of strengths and contributes in areas specific to their strengths/interests regarding the project needs.  All learners share in the work, creation, proofreading and fact checking of the overall activity.
__________Wiki/Lesson Plan Content: 15 points.  Students will include a variety of resources, including resources gained inside and outside of class (relevant and reputable) used to complete information needed to lesson plan objectives.  Cultural diverseness is evident and sensitive to individual needs. Content is organized in a clear and logical manner.  All information is accurate and appropriate grammar is employed. 
__________Visual Appeal and Interactivity: 10 points.  Graphics (and audio/videos) are used to enhance the message of healthy snack ideas for age group targeted (children 2-5 years of age) and target audience (parent/caregivers).  The final project should not be cluttered or hard to read/visualize and able to be used by a variety of individuals within the target audience group and audience.  The end-product will demonstrate the learners have gained new information and insight regarding healthy snack ideas for target audience.  The snack ideas are “user friendly” and have a broad appeal to a variety of cultural people groups.
Okay, Blogger Reading Group...are you ready for a snack, now??
Here's to Happy, Healthy, Snacking! 
Enjoy searching and creating your own "Hunger Haunting Snacks!"
Happy Bloggning....and snacking!  :0


  1. Love, love, love your idea for this course. There is so much information out there about what to eat and what not to eat that it is overwhelming. This class provides students (parents) with a great way to collaborate on ideas for making healthy yet yummy snacks for kids. Every parent has experienced the challenges of trying to balance healthy foods with foods kids enjoy and actually want to eat so creating and sharing these ideas on a WIki is a great way to enhance your knowledge and expand your personal repertoire of food choices. The only challenge might be to keep the Wiki page to a limited number of ideas since there are so many good ideas to share!

  2. Thanks! I really enjoyed your lesson plan, also. Your use of graphic and integration of useful media was very fun to explore.

    Yes, the world of good nutrition is actually more challenging than ever. With the on-set of technology and the "virtual expert", consumers can become easily confused about what is fact vs. hype.

    Keep up the fun...


  3. Alicia, what a great activity.
    I like how you included links for actual wiki examples. This was something I overlooked. I also enjoyed the nurturing language you employed when writing the wiki.
    The one point I would make is the objective of the lesson, "describe and plan..." is good but you don't require to use two verbs. One verb provides clarity to the student and offers one clear focus. Plus, the verb "plan" is the higher of the two that would normally require someone to already be able to describe or explain the ingredients, etc as they would have to be able to do this in order to plan properly. I know it is not necessarily a given, they might have a passing knowledge with some components but still be able to plan. The single verb was just how I was trained on my Training Development Officer course and from past experience. Choose the one verb that best describes the level of achievement you are trying to have your students achieve.

    Again, fun lesson to read though. Guessing you are a baker? Haha, I was hungry reading this. Great idea.


    1. Greetings, Angry Farmer.

      Wow! Thank you for your great input! I have not been exposed to the information you described regarding your training related to the experience in the Training Development Officer course. The reference to "describe and plan" is interesting; I need the students to do one or the other; is that what you are meaning? Asking the average student to describe and plan is too in-depth? One "verb" is all that is necessary, based upon your prior training?

      What valuable information you have provided! :0

      Keep up the great work!

      Oh, as far as being a "baker"...yes, I come from a long line of bakers; both professional and domestic; however, I am a Registered Dietitian (RD) specializing in child nutrition, lactation and overall health and wellness; hence the lesson plan. :)

      Take Care,

  4. I really like this lesson plan. It feels like something I would actually experience with a course about healthy snacks and cooking. It makes me want to try my luck at creating my own healthy snacks!

    The aspect that I think works really well with your plan is that you incorporate the relationship between the student and their children. This a very strong, emotional bond that reinforces the need for the student to succeed. And of course to succeed in your course, the student needs to try new recipes or recreate unhealthy ones they already know. They can't just look up recipes online. They actually need to try to create them for their own children. West and West (2009) discuss the importance for this type of actual action-taking for learning to occur with online activities.

    I also think the relationship with the children helps to aide as a buffer between the 'rest of the world' and the student's family. They will have more self confidence in describing their successes and failures to the class because at the end of the day it is all about their own children. Something that their kids might like will not work for other families. West and West (2009) discuss this type of confidence/openness as being "the most challenging characteristic required in a wiki project" (p. 28).

    West, J.A. & West, M.L. (2009). Using wikis for online collaboration. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    1. Greetings, JCollins. Thank you for your reply.

      I appreciated your reference to West & West regarding the "actual action-taking needed for learning to occur with online activities” great resource.

      I found value regarding your input and feedback.

      Keep up the great work.

    2. Alicia,

      Great blog entry! Very nice use of the outside information, and Links, to tie this all together. You have such a nice touch in how you present this, I bet the class is amazing! :)

      I like how you placed the highest point total in the lesson plan content. I think that as educators, we direct students to the important ideas, not so much in what we say, but in what we weight in the grades! :) How often do you look at the syllabus for a class and see what the highest point total is first???

      Thanks for sharing!!
