Sunday, October 7, 2012

Alicia's First Podcast [Attempt]

What an adventure!
Don't worry...I am not going to quit my day job!  :O
The interview, itself, went well.  The editing, not so well!  What a headache!  How does anyone do this for a living!  I imagine a person gets better with practice and also has access to better tools.
Well, I learned a lot; however, I am ready to put this assignment behind me!
 I apologize for the angle of the camera; I had a tripod and looked like such a pro, even had a remote control, just needed more practice, I suppose.
Sit back and enjoy...if you dare!  
Really, it is not scary; just my first podcast, if you know what I mean!


  1. Great job, Alicia!

    Even though you are not in my group, I knew I would benefit from watching your assignment for this week. I cannot tell that you had difficulty editing and presenting your video. It is wonderful. I like Smartboards, but do not really know how to use them. Now, I am inspired to do some digging on my own to uncover all of the benefits and features. Thanks!

    You have provided a creatively instructive blog each week. I wish you well in your future endeavors!

  2. Nice work, Alicia! Like Tonya mentioned, I could't tell you had any issues. I love Smartboards. I think they have the potential to be just as boring as a chalkboard or power point presentation. Like everything else, it depends on the instructor to make it engaging. The example your interviewee used of asking for text feedback is a good way to get the students involved.

    Nice work. See you in 2 months!

  3. Good job on your video, I thought it was well done.

    Thanks for the video on the smart board. I have seen a lot of them in schools, but I have never really heard about the capability.

    I noticed how Noreen commented a couple of times about things not always working. That always seems to be the knock on technology, 'it is great when it works'. I like much of the tech that is out there, but I still like having the low tech options around just in case.


  4. Hi Alicia,

    I'm glad to see your interview turned out great. I loved the demonstration of the Smartboard by someone who actually uses it. At my workplace, Nellie Modares my interviewee) mentioned off-camera that many of our faculty at the medical center do not use the smartboards because of the learning curve and issues your interviewee mentioned. I see that it is advantageous for someone who can use it daily, versus someone who wants to give a 1 hour presentation.


  5. Hi Alicia,

    Thank you for the hard work and time you placed into this! I also enjoyed seeing someone work with the smart board as I have had limited exposure to them myself. They are a wonderful tool, but, as mentioned already, they can easily be "overused" too.

