Sunday, October 7, 2012

Alicia's First Podcast [Attempt]

What an adventure!
Don't worry...I am not going to quit my day job!  :O
The interview, itself, went well.  The editing, not so well!  What a headache!  How does anyone do this for a living!  I imagine a person gets better with practice and also has access to better tools.
Well, I learned a lot; however, I am ready to put this assignment behind me!
 I apologize for the angle of the camera; I had a tripod and looked like such a pro, even had a remote control, just needed more practice, I suppose.
Sit back and enjoy...if you dare!  
Really, it is not scary; just my first podcast, if you know what I mean!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pros and Cons of Audio/Visual/Podcasts

Greetings, Fellow Bloggers!  Can you believe this it…out last blog assignment?!
Our topic for this week is:
“Audio/Video/Podcast: Pros and Cons for Adult Learners”
Due to the fact this is my blog and the whole idea related to blogging is actually sharing your own thoughts, rants, likes, and dislikes, etc. I have taken it upon myself to do just that!  I hope I do not bore my visitors!  That is the beauty of blogging, right, for the author and the visitor; the author can blog about whatever he/she desires (to a certain extent) and the visitor can choose not to complete his/her visit to the blog if the information is boring or totally not of any interest to the visitor, right?
With the above thoughts in mind, I am going to humor myself as I take a walk down “memory lane” and reflect upon my own journey regarding KSOL and the EDACE program, as it relates to our current topic.  If you are bored, just leave; I won’t even know!  If you are intrigued, just trying to be kind or have to visit because you are part of my BRG read on…
Prior to the summer of 2010 when I began this “journey” I did only what I had to regarding a computer to get through the day.  I used a computer at work to complete electronic charting, I used email as necessary at work and home, I “surfed the net” sometimes and I generally left all things tech to my husband; who if he were not an Aviation Safety Engineer, he would have definitely been involved, professionally, in computer revolution somehow, someway.  
Yes, I have a Facebook, YouTube and Google account and I am even part of LinkedIn, however, I took Facebook off my phone (was a surprisingly freeing and liberating experience!), I can still access from my I Pad, my Kindle Fire and of course my laptop…I cannot figure how to disappear from Facebook, totally, I think it is like “Hotel California”…you can check in, but you can never leave!  How many remember that song?  I am showing my age, here!  Anyway, I am “connected” in ways I never dreamed of, some I enjoy, others I just ignore.  
Back to the on-line journey of KSOL; I can think back to my original decision to apply and begin the entire process to achieve my Master’s Degree ALL on-line.  Although my husband was supportive, I am sure he had a few “concerns” related to this virtual adventure I was about to enter, when I do not even know how to “text” on my IPhone!  Actually, I am sure I could do it, I just really do not want to; I would much rather to TALK to my friends, family and co-workers vs. texting…I love the personal touch an actual CONVERSATION still conveys in this “tech overloaded” society we are about to embarked upon.  Okay, enough of that!
Fast forward about 2 ½ years and I have surprised everyone, including myself!!  J  Not only have I become more tech savvy than I (and my sweet husband!) ever imagined, I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed the “virtual classroom” and believe I have learned more in thisarena of education vs. the standard, physical classroom of my former education process.  Which finally leads me to this week’s assignment…are you still with me or have you left??  J

From my above “rant”, if you want to call it that, I believe I am now qualified (thanks to Dr. Kang and many other KSOL instructors) to discuss the topic for this week: I know, I know, you thought I would never get to the actual assignment!
“Audio/Video/Podcast: Pros and Cons for Adult Learners”

Pros of using Audio/Video/Podcast:
Ability of the learner to access information anytime, anywhere (with the right technology in hand); Asynchronous learning: Learning on demand
Ability of the instructor to “cut and paste” the lecture/information into shorter, more precise episodes of information, more directly related to the topic being emphasized
Ability of the learner to review material as many times as needed to gain a clear understanding
Ability of the learner, who might be a more “active learner” to access the necessary information while also completing other tasks; exercising, cleaning house, in the car, sitting in the salon/barber shop, in the airport…the “realm” is almost endless
Ability of the learner to listen to the podcasts in private, with headphones, while other friends, family, co-workers are involved in another activity; learner can be physically present, even if needing to study
Ability of the instructor/facilitator to “come alive” to the virtual learner vs. only a “virtual being” somewhere, way out there
Ability of information to be shared with a world-wide audience (if posted in a public domain site); not solely limited for the intended audience (learners)
Ability of the learner to “connect” to the instructor/facilitator/presenter in a way not found by only reading a lecture/module
Ability of the auditory and visual (via transcript) learner to access information in a more learning friendly environment
Ability of learners with special needs to either listen, read or watch the podcast as needed to aid with their “capabilities”
Cons of using Audio/Video/Podcast:
Possibility of “tech overload” for the beginning or even seasoned learner
Possibility of instructor/facilitator/presenter to become less connected to learners due to only presenting in the virtual arena vs. physical arena
Possibility of instructor/facilitator/presenter to be misunderstood due to not being in a personal setting with the learner
Possibility of tech issues limiting the presentation for the presenter and the learner
Possibility of learners not being comfortable with the technology and will “check out” vs. becoming engaged in the learning process
Possibility of instructor/facilitator/presenter to just record lecture from physical classroom to podcast form, if not aware/comfortable with the technology to cut/paste and reformat the presentation
Possibility of the instructor/facilitator/presenter to “check out” thinking that the podcast is all that he/she needs to do to facilitate learning
Possibility of information becoming outdated, unknown to the individual who is accessing the information for the first time
Overall, I do believe that there are more positive aspects to using audio/video/podcast in a learning environment vs. negative aspects.  However, as future adult educators, I consider it imperative that we not lose touch with our learners, no matter the age, the setting (virtual vs. physical) the topic, the environment, the culture make-up or the learning differences of our students.  We must continue to be engaged ourselves in the learning process to enable our own teaching methods to show empathy, compassion, and understanding and strive to not lose the “personal touch” that can enhance the overall learning process.
As I end this blog entry I am reminded of a quote from King & Cox (2011) “The guiding focus has been cultivating voice and empowerment with each learner as a person, a professional and a disciplined expert (depending upon level of study)” (p. 29).  
Giving voice, empowerment and confidence is a lasting gift that money cannot buy…we can only be humbled as educators to believe we have been able to touch someone in this manner; in the past, in the present or in the future.
Thanks for visiting my blog!

King, K.P., & Thomas, T.D. (2011).  The professor's guide to taming technology. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing